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Find out what DocXter is, and how it can be your personal AI Document Assistant


Meet DocXter!

DocXter is a smart, sophisticated, yet simple and easy-to-use document intelligence application. Extract valuable information from a document, without having to go through the mundane process of sifting through a document, to find the information you are looking for!

Imagine a highly detailed document, a book, a financial report, a research paper, or a book. Just upload it and get answers, explanation of the whole document or whatever is it you are looking for in a way you want, in a manner you like.

Why read documents , when you can talk to them ?

To efficiency and smartness 😎

DocXter's one-click upload, lets you upload documents to the platform and use its AI-powered technology to quickly extract the information you require. Ask questions like:

What is the document all about? Summarize the document concisely? Explain it to me like I'm new to this, etc. The Question is Yours!. Get answers, in a language and way you want, instantly, without even opening the document! What's interesting is with the pro version, you can train DocXter in minutes to give you answers in a custom, personalized manner, made specifically for you!

How cool is that, right?

Get started today

Exams, homework, research papers, books. Time to supercharge your learning. Upload the document and talk!

The User? 🤓

You! It is for anyone and everyone who wishes to leverage the latest technologies to become more productive, efficient, and of course, smarter!

Students, Teachers, Working professionals, Businesses, Organizations, etc. One thing that is common is documents. Some have books, some have reports, some have legal documents, some have technical documentations. DocXter swiftly comes in and takes care of the reading, while you get precise and accurate answers, in a simple and interactive manner. Take your learning and understanding journey to the next level!

The Force Behind DocXter

DocXter is powered by a smart generative AI-powered platform, FosterX, that offers multiple applications and capabilities to the user. DocXter is one of its implementations, and can be scaled, customized, and moulded to match custom requirements too!

Talk to us to know more about its Enterprise-grade applications