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The Only AI Tool You Need

Image: DocXter's features

Transform your document interaction with a simple and easy-to-use platform. Achieve unparalleled speed and accuracy.


Maximize Productivity, Minimize Effort

Modern features to power real-time collaboration, multiple-document analysis, a suite of AI models to choose from, and more.

Multi-document Analysis

Upload and interact with multiple documents at once. Multiply your results!

Multi-document Analysis

Real-Time Collaboration

Share documents with team members and use real-time interaction to collectively drive results.

Real-time Collaboration


Select from a suite of the latest AI models to power precise and awesome interactions.

AI Model selector
Process content from images using OCR


Decode more than just text. Turn your physical documents into a searchable knowledge hub, instantly!

Chat Personalization

Get the responses in the language you speak, in the manner you like, and in the way you understand!

Chat Personalization Feature

Use Cases

Plethora of use cases to make your document interaction precise and perfect, every time!

Use-cases of DocXter
Explore all features →

Make Documents Fun and Full of AI-ction!

Supercharge Your Learning Journey

Your AI buddy for everything college.

Supercharge Your Career Success

Your AI personal assistant for everything work.

Image: Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis

Quickly analyze any document to strengthen your understanding and proficiency.

Image: Personal Study Guide

Personal Study Guide

Customize notes and important information info from your notes and textbooks.

Image: Project Hero

Project Hero

Conquer group projects by streamlining collaboration and merging individual work.

Augment Your Professional Life

Cut down your learning time, understand complex reports, subjects, topics, etc. with ease

Image: Meeting Preparation

Meeting Preparation

Always be ready. Identify key points, action items, and priorities to keep you prepared.

Image: Official Documents

Official Documents

Bring perfection to proposals/reports! Review requirements, generate outline(s), and more.

Image: Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant

Focus on the big picture. Documents at your fingertips with your personal AI assistant!

Don't Think, Just DocXter it!

Take your capabilities to the max with AI.
Learn Better, Understand Complex, Apply Perfection, and more with DocXter.

Multi-document AnalysisMultiple AI ModelsChat PersonalizationOCR (Optical Character Recognition)
Get DocXter Extend →

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the DocXter, Our FAQ section has you covered

What does DocXter do?

Is DocXter FREE?

What types of documents does DocXter support?

Does DocXter support multiple languages?

Can I ask questions about specific sections or paragraphs within my documents?